American Zen's FIRST LEVEL of Zen Buddhism is explained in
Includes CD songs, live songs, poetry readings and comments by flutist Coyote.
Follow along by CLICKING LINKS in the podcast window when played with iTunes.
The links are the pages being read by Coyote or photos or lyrics, poetry...
Related product:
Download the entire album
of 11 songs and 11 poems
for only $8.88
23 Episodes
20 min. each
Broadcast Start
March, 2007
Broadcast MiniSeries Completed:
February 2009
Free Downloads
Hosted at web-blog CoyoteRadio.net
June 2007 Podcasts:
Coyote begins the CHRIST KILLER podcast series.
July 2007:
Coyote tells about his teenage years in Newfoundland.
August 2007:
Living by your feelings = intelligence of a thermometer...
September 2007:
Coyote defines the four afterlifes of Hell, Purgatory, Limbo, and Heaven.
October 2007:
"The monk in the doorway of enlightenment" vision.
November 2007:
Hebrew armies are slaughtering entire Biblical towns.
April 2008:
Coyote continues at the actZEN.com website.
May 2008:
Coyote is completing his brain dissection and putting himself back together as 3 new persons with 3 new names. Richard O'Connor becomes Richard Del Connor. Master Zhen becomes Buddha Zhen. The Coyote becomes The Hippy Coyote.
November 2008:
Coyote's SINGLE PODCAST of the LEVEL 3 album.